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06 November 2003

Anonymous pokes

The BBC reports on the tech equivalent of pulling a ponytail in class, or throwing popcorn in the cinema - 'bluejacking'. Actually, it is less a report than a call to action ;-)

How to bluejack
  • Turn Bluetooth on
  • Ensure your phone is discoverable by other Bluetooth devices
  • Create contact using your message as the name
  • Choose to send this contact via Bluetooth
  • Phone searches for Bluetooth-enabled phones within range
  • Pick a victim from the phones within range and send the contact to them ...

    "I came across the idea of bluejacking at an online discussion forum and it immediately struck me as a fun thing to do," said Ellie, who set up and runs the bluejackQ (Bluejack You) website.

    She said the "priceless" expression on the face of her first victim as he tried to work out what was going on has turned her into a regular bluejacker.

    "This, mixed with not knowing whether the victim will react in an amused/confused or negative way gives me an adrenaline rush," she said.

  • Posted at 01:50 PM in Social software | Permalink


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