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11 July 2004
Webloggers go off-screen
Phil Gyford (recently profiled in The Guardian) has pulled together summer book recommendations from some 'friendly webloggers': What webloggers are reading this summer.
I immediately ordered Matt Webb's recommended The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception, share Chris Heathcote's desire for Cabinets of Curiosities (but must have Cabinet of Curiosities first) and think I should read the Kottke-recommended Wisdom of Crowds. I'll probably also pick up my Matt's Trigger Happy and Homo Ludens when he's finished with them.
I've already deviated from the list I submitted, sneaking Alison Lurie's Boys and Girls Forever: Children's Classics from Cinderella to Harry Potter in before the Atwoods.
Posted at 10:17 AM | Permalink
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