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08 September 2006
Brain trained
But for how long?
It took me about three weeks playing every second day or so (and a fresh-air break in Aberdeen) to get my brain age down to 20. I haven't dared take the test since. Dr Kawashima would not approve.
Posted at 11:41 AM in Games, Learning, Nonsense | Permalink
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Just for the kicks (not!), try playing the game in the morning after recovering from having had one pint too many. I've found my Brain Age degrades about 30 years even in the slightest hung over state. :)
Posted by: Sulka at 8 Sep 2006 13:50:17
I generally found that my performance improved after one drink (less hesitation I suppose) but dropped off pretty radically after that. I was surprised to find that caffeine didn't really help.
Hangover play... I didn't try that for obvious reasons...
Posted by: Foe at 8 Sep 2006 19:20:15
Best I managed was 25!
Posted by: Jo B at 18 Oct 2006 12:46:26